Thursday, November 25, 2010

Losing weight

Every girl in this world sure wants to be pretty. And one of today's beauty standard is having a skinny body. The skinnier the better. Look at all the models, most of them are very very skinny. The beauty standard had been set. Skinny means pretty. Ok, you dont have to believe me. But ask ur girl friends, most of them will say the same thing. Even though i wrote these simple fact. Doesnt mean i agree 100 percent with it. I still love curve. And being super skinny without curve is not quite attractive.
The need to look pretty, results in one's feeling of insecure. I just read a blog of a friend of mine, whose struggle a lot because of her overweight problem. How much she hate herself for being like that. And it is so sad to read how depressed she is now because of her lack of confidence. That's one case. But there are so many cases of girl's crisis of confidence out there. You probably met some girlfriends who always think that they are fat when they probably are not. And i do understand how it feels, because i feel the same way too. I always feel that im fat my self, although my friends said im not. But im never buy it. I feel that my face is so chubby. And i kinda hate it (-_-") It makes me feel like im fat fat fat. But i think, instead of whinning, cursing, and being depressed, why don't we try our best to change it? I know it is not easy. In fact, it is damn hard. I've been planning to lose weight for so many times. But i fail. I fail to temptation. I always enjoy bad but delicious foods, loving sweet desserts and chocolate so much. And worst of all, im a super lazy girl. Especially when it comes to holiday. Wake up, breakfast, watching movie, lunch, sleeping, dinner, snacking, sleeping - everyday. No wonder if i become fat and more fat. So, i decided this holiday must be different. I have a lot of plans to fill this holiday and losing some weight sounds like a good starter :)

I did search online about how to lose weight, safe and fast. I summarize the results below.

1. Set your goal. A realistic one. For me, i will loss 5 kg in 5 weeks. 1 kg per week. Don't make some unrealistic one,like losing 10 kg in a week. Thats totally nonsense :D
2. Drink a lot of water. Probably 8-10 glass a day. For me it is very hard to drink more, as i usually drink very little. But i gotta force my self. I've been tryng to drink more in these 3 days and i did see the difference. I felt less hungry, went to toilet more regularly, and importantly, be healthier.
3. Determine your daily caloric intake. Take a note of it. Simple formula is that:
calories in = calories out, weight maintained
calories in less than calories out, weight less
calories in more than calories out, weight more

So, it is important to know how much calories of food you eat. Read the food information here

4. Get more fiber. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Remember this motto: U are what you eat. So be more picky to the food you're going to eat.

5. Do regular exercise. the more you eat, the more you have to do exercise. So that the calories out will be more than the calories in.
6.Last but not least, Be confident.You need to believe in yourself! If you want to diet, and you know that it will make you feel better, then you need confidence. Otherwise, the temptation to cheat on your diet will make it harder, and you will not feel better when you do lose weight. Avoid temptations like chocolate, ice cream, and cookies. They may taste good, but there are other foods that taste delicious, too, without being unhealthy. You need to always encourage yourself to achieve the goals that you have set.

Ps: Remember, It is okay to try your best to lose weight in order to be prettier. But dont be obsessed with it, because you will end up being insecure and depressed even more. If you focus just on how to look pretty, neglecting the other important factors like talent, education, love, family, etc. You will lose everything. U cant depend on being pretty forever. Youth doesn't last forever, remember? So if u only count on appearance, then you will have nothing at all.

French Cuisine

"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food"

I definitely agree with this quote. Like what i said in my previous blog, food, for me is definitely a medicine. a medicine to heal when im sick, and to comfort when im sad.
When it comes to food, i would say that i actually enjoy various kind of foods. As long as it is delicious. From Japanese food,like Sushi and sashimi, Korean food, like bibimbap, jajang noodle, tobboki and Kimchi. Chinese food with all of their superb dishes, and of course, food from my country, Indonesia, which it's delicious lists are way too long to write. And lucky for me, i had this old lady who is like a godmother for me, that is very genius in cooking all those indonesian foods. Gado gado, soto, rawon, tempe tahu bacem with sambal terasi, sayur asem, etc etc. You mention it, she can cook all of them. And without a doubt, it is yum yummy!

Recently, im obsessed with french cuisine. I watched a movie about chef specialise in french cuisine. And i was impressed. I always believe that food is not about impressing people, but it is rather about making them feel comfortable. But these french cuisine can do both. They combine arts and cooking skill into one dish. Like a masterpiece. Genius.
Up until now i haven't got chance to try french cuisine. The real french cuisine. One that have more than five course menu, from its starters, main course, desserts, and of course, wine. So i did some research online, and my eyes stuck into these two restaurants. Saint Pierre and Le Saint Julien restaurants. I opened Saint Pierre website and i was so impressed with the menu available, as well as their long-listed rewards. As for Le Saint Julien, im not sure with its menu but one of its branch is located in fullerton. That's it. Fullerton. I always had this excited feeling whenever i saw Fullerton. Its so dreamy. Not sure why though. Maybe its building, maybe it's light, maybe it's riverside location, whatever. I just love Fullerton. Candle light dinner + French cuisine + Fullerton. Unresistable. So, it's checked. Definitely take a visit one day ♥
Of course, it is obvious to see that these cuisine is not cheap. ( For Christmas eve dinner got to pay $218++ per person) Not sure what ++ means, i believe it has something to do with tips or taxes. Even without it, the price is already high. But i believe it would be worth it. So yeah, i guess for now, im going to add it into my bucketlist.

♥ Wina

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Ternyata rasa kehilangan sesuatu yang kita sayang itu sakit...


Namanya Kimo. Singkatan dari Eskimo. Kami memberinya nama itu dikarenakan warna bulunya yang putih bersih, mengingatkan kami pada salju dan orang orang eskimo. Ngga nyambung sih, tapi begitulah, namanya: kimo. Eskimo.
Kimo adalah seekor anjing jenis Kintamani. Wikipedia bilang anjing Kintamani adalah Ras anjing yang berasal dari daerah pegunungan Kintamani, Pulau Bali. Kami membelinya hampir tiga tahun yang lalu. Lebih tepatnya, adik cowok aku yang membelinya dikarenakan warna dan bulu Kimo mengingatkan dia pada anjing kesayangan keluarga kami yang baru saja meninggal. Dan begitulah, Kimo pun menjadi bagian dari keluarga kami.

Pada tahun pertamanya di rumah kami, Kimo sudah menunjukan sifat sifat layaknya seekor anjing Kintamani. Pemberani, jelas. Dan super galak terhadap anjing anjing lain. Ini sangat mengkhawatirkan,mengingat di rumah kami sudah memiliki 4 ekor anjing lain. Apalagi ketika 2 anjing betina kami melahirkan anak anak anjing yang lucu. Makin banyaklah anjing anjing di rumah kami. Dan Kimo, jelas,merupakan suatu ancaman bagi anjing anjing tersebut,karena sifatnya yang agresif. Karena takut akan menggigit anak anak anjing tersebut, serta menggigit tamu maupun orang lain di rumah, Kimo pun diputuskan untuk dikurung di dalam kandang dan hanya dilepaskan di saat malam.

Setelah diingat ingat,mungkin kami melakukan hal yang kejam dengan mengurung Kimo. Maka, kami pun membelikannya rantai, tidak lagi mengurungnya, agar paling tidak, kita bisa mengikatnya di luar, serta mengajaknya jalan jalan.

Tapi Kimo tetaplah Kimo. Mungkin anjing paling bandel yang pernah aku temui. Semua orang sudah jadi korbannya. Setiap kali ia merasa waspada, seperti saat dimandikan, ia akan menggigit. Tak pandang bulu. Namun aku merasa mungkin itu disebabkan karena ia terlalu lama dikurung di kandang, melihat anjing anjing lain bebas berkeliaran,disayang dan dimanja majikannya, sehingga sekarang ia berontak. Kimo ingin bebas.

Suatu saat rantai kimo lepas. Tidak ada yang berani untuk memasang rantai itu lagi. Semua sudah mencoba memasangnya, tapi gagal. Aku pernah mecoba untuk memasang rantai itu, tapi ia menolak. memang sih, dia ngga pernah menggigitku, tapi saat akan dipasang rantai, dia seakan akan mengambek seperti anak kecil, menolak, lari kesana kemari. Aku jadi tidak tega memasangnya. Dan rupanya kebebasan Kimo membuahkan banyak masalah. Salah satu anjing kami digigit hingga harus dibawa ke rumah sakit dan mendapat jahitan. Masih belum sembuh lukanya,Kimo akan terus mengejar dan menggigit setiap kali bertemu anjing tersebut. Para pekerja,pembantu dan sopir di rumah kami jadi takut setiap kali Kimo berkeliaran di dekat mereka. Kimo juga suka pipis di sembarang tempat,di sofa, di tempat tidur, di mana saja.Dan ia selalu berusaha masuk kedalam rumah, dan begitu masuk, sulit sekali untuk mengeluarkannya. Dan parahnya,Kimo bahkan berani untuk menggigit adik kami yang paling bungsu.

Mama akhirnya tidak tahan lagi. Ia memutuskan Kimo harus dibuang. Aku kira itu hanya kemarahan sesaat saja.Tapi tenyata, keesokan harinya, sekitar jam 3 sore,Kimo sudah tidak ada. Aku sangat amat terkejut. Aku bimbang antara mencarinya atau melepaskannya. Aku takut bila dibiarkan di rumah, ia akan terus membuat masalah dan membahayakan orang lain. Tapi disisi lain aku tidak tega untuk mencampakkan Kimo...

Saat malam tiba, aku tidak tahan lagi. Kimo memang adalah seekor anjing. Namun ia sudah bersama kami selama 3 tahun.Kenangan bersama Kimo terlalu banyak untuk dihapus beitu saja. Dan bagaimanapun, ini adalah rumahnya. Kami adalah keluarganya. Sebagaimana galaknya dia, sepatutnyalah aku bertanggung jawab untuk mengikat, mengajaknya jalan jalan dan terpenting memastikan,ia tidak akan membuat masalah ataupun menggigit orang lagi. Adik bungsuku pun mengerti bahwa kejadian digigit itu adalah ketidak sengajaan,karena Kimo refleks menggigit ,kakinya yang terluka tersentuh saat dimandikan. Intinya, aku, dan dua adik perempuanku memutuskan,Kimo harus pulang: Pulang ke rumah.

Di hari yang sama, sekitar jam 8 malam,kami bertiga pun mencari dia di tempat dimana Kimo dibuang. Kami telusuri setiap daerah di sekitar lingkunga tersebut, sambil terus menerus memanggil namanya. Tapi,kami gagal. Kimo tidak terlihat batang hidungya di manapun. Entah di mana ia sekarang. Apakah ia cukup makan. Apakah ia menemukan tempat untuk berteduh di saat hujan. Apakah ia diganggu anjing anjing liar lainnya. Apakah ia sehat? sakit? Apakah ia bahagia telah bebas di luar sana, atau sedih karena merindukan kami..

Setiap kali pikiran pikiran tersebut terlintas di kepalaku, aku menjadi sangat sedih dan kecewa dan menyesal, semua bercampur menjadi satu. Andai aku lebih cepat datang, mungkin Kimo masih dapat ditemukan. Tapi aku tidak patah harapan. Aku masih akan terus berusaha mencari Kimo. Ada yang bilang anjing bisa pulang kembali ke rumah majikannya. Aku masih berharap,mungkin memohon, suatu hari Kimo ada di depan rumah kami. Dengan tampang nakalnya, mata jahilnya, ekor panjangnya serta bulu putihnya, kembali kepada kami...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rainy night...

What a cold night..
The wind's so strong, It's been raining heavily here every middle night and Im shivering now in my bedroom, piled up with blanket.
House is silent. Typical silence, since it's already 2 am, indo time. Everybody surely are sleeping already, butI couldnt manage to close my eyes, although i already determined to sleep earlier. Still, i failed. The sound of raindrops keeps bringing back some bad memories, like dejavu.. And i'm so sick of it...

Rain always makes me think too much. Sometimes it gave me peaceful feeling, and anxious the other time. There are also feeling of lonely or sadness or even fear. It is weird how rainy day can push my mind into a complicated mode.
Tonight i feel a lil bit terrified. The wind is too strong. really really strong. I still can hear the sound and feel the cold of the sharp wind from inside my bedroom, forget about going outside.
Im scared but i feel grateful at the same time. Im so blessed. I have home as my shelter. Comfortably protected and covered from the heavy rain and wind. But there are a lot of homeless people, cats, & dogs out there. They probably are shivering right now. There is no such thing as 'back home' in their dictionary. Cant imagine how they could survive this night, and im wondering if they could find shelter to keep them warm tonight..